The 20 Jo Suburi

Here is a list of the 20 Jo Suburi as practiced in Iwama style bukiwaza (weapons techniques)

5 Tsuki (Thrusting) Movements

1. Choku-tsuki – Direct thrust
2. Kaeshi-tsuki – Counter thrust
3. Ushiro-tsuki – Rear thrust
4. Tsuki gedan-gaeshi – Thrust, low counter strike
5. Tsuki jōdan-gaeshi-uchi – Thrust, high counter strike

5 Uchi (Striking) Movements

6. Shōmen’uchikomi – Front-of-the-head stepping strike
7. Renzoku uchikomi – Repeating stepping strike
8.  Men’uchi gedan-gaeshi – Head strike, low counter
9.  Men’uchi ushiro-tsuki – Head strike, rear thrust
10. Gyaku-yoko’men ushiro-tsuki – Reverse side-of-the-head strike, rear thrust

3 Katate (One-handed) Movements

11. Katate gedan-gaeshi – One-handed low counter
12. Katate tōma-uchi – One-handed distant-interval strike
13. Katate hachi-no-ji gaeshi – One-handed “figure-eight” counter

5 Hasso (“Figure-eight”) Movements

14. Hassō-gaeshi uchi – “Figure-eight” counter, strike
15. Hassō-gaeshi tsuki – “Figure-eight” counter, thrust
16. Hassō-gaeshi ushiro-tsuki – “Figure-eight” counter, rear thrust
17. Hassō-gaeshi ushiro-uchi – “Figure-eight” counter, rear strike
18. Hassō-gaeshi ushiro-barai – “Figure-eight” counter, rear sweep

2 Nagare (Flowing) Movements

19. Hidari nagare-gaeshi-uchi – Left Flowing counter strike
20. Migi nagare-gaeshi-tsuki – Right flowing counter thrust